Lochac alternative Crown selection discussion

Zombie wars

Started by acwg, Mar 31, 2024, 01:45 PM

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acwg (Alternative Crown Working Group)

[The ACWG is posting this on behalf of Master Crispin Sexi, who emailed them with many suggestions]

Warlords or Zombie fighting scenarios where people are eliminated through the war. See, most war scenarios you only have two leaders, so you've already limited the winners to two people. However we've had lots of fun with Warlords and Zombie ware scenarios. Here are the two rule sets: WARLORDS: Everyone for themselves on the battlefield, when you beat an opponent then they resurrect and join your team, if you die then your team join the victor's team, continues until there is only one team left. ZOMBIES: Everyone starts on the side of the humans, with one person as a zombie, each time a person dies they resurrect as a zombie, each time a zombie dies they also resurrect as a zombie, fighting continues until only one human left. Both of these are sooo much fun!