Lochac alternative Crown selection discussion

Shortlisting probably needed

Started by nico, Mar 18, 2024, 05:29 PM

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nico (Nicodemus Novello)

If we were choosing Crown through a most-votes-wins election, and we got as many candidates as we do for a typical tourney, we would need to use some sort of two-stage process to reduce the final choice. Otherwise, with ten or twenty pairs of candidates on the ballot at the same time, the chances would be high of no single pair of candidates getting more than a small number of votes.

If the polling process were qualitative (like Baronial selection, and call for commentary on officer positions), then having a large number of people on the list at the same time would also make assessing comments really complicated for whoever was charged with that, and potentially exhaust people trying to provide comments.

If the process were ranked-choice voting, that would avoid the problem.

Sekai (Sekai)

I think elections could quickly turn hostile and lead to a fracturing of the SCA community as it could lead to the formation of camps around some crown candidates. Or bitterness over a close election. 

There is also the geographically nature of Lochac that itself, which could be a factor given that there would be high odds that people that taking part in polling for a crown. Might have little to no idea who people running for the position are. Which could in turn lead to a "power block" forming around the more highly populated areas of the kingdom. Leading the the smaller groups feeling powerless and without a voice.

The naturally way to combat that would be to then open things up to campaigning for Crown. But I honestly think that would compound any issues of division if people are being courted but a future Crown. It opens it up to campaign promises and all sorts of shady things real or imagined by the populace. 

Erlendr (Erlendr T)

Kinggiyadai Orlok (Kinggiyadai Orlok)

Definitely ranked-choice, and I would hope that the candidates would be subject to the eligibility criteria that are addressed in the other forum section.

Llewelyn ap Dafydd (Llewelyn ap Dafydd)

Single transferable vote, all the way :)

Safflington (Safiya bint Abd al-Shahid)

Elections are my least preferred option, but hypothetically, how would voting work?

62% of members voted on the alternate Crown selection poll sent directly to their inboxes - is it reasonable for us to expect the same level of engagement every 6 months?
What happens if we don't meet whatever voting minimums we set for ourselves? Does the current Crown have to stay in until a successor can be voted in? Do we put in a vicar, and for how long?