Lochac alternative Crown selection discussion

Well Rounded Candidates vs Accessibility

Started by Safflington, Apr 22, 2024, 08:37 AM

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Safflington (Safiya bint Abd al-Shahid)

A few Crowns have used additional requirements to enter Crown Tourney in the past, but I think it can easily become a bottleneck.  In a population as (comparatively) small as Lochac's, additional criteria runs the risk of narrowing our pool of potential Crowns too far, rather than filtering to a solid shortlist.

I love this idea for creating a pool of well-rounded candidates, but I don't think this solves our most immediate issues of accessibility and diversity.

Gwen verch David (Gwen verch David)

Absolutely. There's also an aspect where people in some areas may have fewer opportunities to demonstrate prowess through wars, tourneys, events, etc, simply because there are fewer local activities and non-local activities are further away. I think it would be a shame to institute criteria that further advantaged the east coast baronies, and disadvantaged the further bounds of the kingdom.